perl nightmare

u235sentinel u235sentinel at
Thu Jun 3 16:31:50 UTC 2004

>What is the *best* method to load perl modules?
>I am trying to load the GD module from CPAN with;
>perl -MCPAN -e shell
>cpan> install GD

This "should" work however I use a similar method which has worked for 
me.  Keep in mind that I've been studying Perl for about 8 months (and 
yes.. writing code for work ::grinz::)

Here is one such installation I performed recently.

 perl -MCPAN -e 'install HTML::TreeBuilder' 

I'm wondering if you have the GD Library installed on the system.  This 
module interfaces with the library.  Just a guess.

You mentioned this is the bottom of the errors.  Can you send me the 
entire list of errors generated?  I've found that dependancies could be 
announced in the middle of all the error reporting.  Usually stating 
another module that is missing.

Finally,  you might want to consider joining the perl beginners mail 
list.  This is something that would be better answered there.  Believe 
me, they are awesome!

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