increase brightness on a linux text console

Thierry ITTY thierry.itty at
Tue Jun 8 17:19:49 UTC 2004


I have several linux servers running in text mode only 
the PCs have verious kind of video cards
some display normal, some display dark, and some very dark

I need a command line program to increase the brightness (or gamma) so that
I can read the text displayed without switching all lights off !

Is there some kind of standard vga tool for that or do I need to look among
specific make and models utilities (I have mainly ATI cards) ?


PS please CC me at thierry.itty at
			- * - * - * - * - * - * -
Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
	Thierry ITTY
eMail : Thierry.Itty at		FRANCE

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