format for manually constructing outgoing email text file

Jason Dixon jason at
Thu Jun 10 00:12:33 UTC 2004

On Jun 9, 2004, at 7:34 PM, Chris W. Parker wrote:

> Jason Dixon <mailto:jason at>
>     on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 4:11 PM said:
>> You've just reiterated the point everyone has already made... dump it
>> to your MTA and allow it to handle the spooling and delivery.
> but what exactly does it mean to "dump it to your MTA and allow it to
> handle the spooling and delivery"??
> but *that's* what i'm asking about. i already know i need to give it to
> the MTA (hence my original query) but i just don't know *how*. do i  
> make
> files and put them in a directory? and if i do need to make files what
> is the format for an outgoing email or where can i read about the
> format? OR do i use the commandline to individually send each email?
> etc.

You've gravitated into questions specific to your programming task  
(which aren't kosher for this list).  I don't know any php, so I won't  
be a lick of help.  But, hopefully I can get you started in the right  
direction.  First, the php Mail functions chapter:

The RFC draft on SMTP pipelining: 

And a brief explanation of how pipelining is supposed to work:

"[T]he SMTP service whereby a server can indicate the extent of its  
ability to accept multiple commands in a single TCP send operation.  
Using a single TCP send operation for multiple commands can improve  
SMTP performance significantly."

In short, rely on your programming language's interface to the mail  
subsystem.  If you have special needs (like pipelining), then use the  
extended interface available which supports those advanced features.  I  
can't tell you where to find the answer, but I hope you can find it  
given this information.  And one last thing, a way of telling if your  
MTA supports pipelining:

bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix
EHLO localhost
250-SIZE 10240000

Notice the 250-PIPELINING?  :)

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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