spammassassin + procmail

MKlinke mklinke at
Sun Jun 20 17:23:43 UTC 2004

On Sunday 20 June 2004 09:43, Nabin Limbu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using spammassassin + procmail + sendmail with squirrelmail in
> RH 9.0.
> 1) How can I change the point (value) of a particular hits in
> spamassassin?

man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
  search for "score"

> 2) How can I make a list so that spamassassin ignore the list of
> from / to address of that list?

man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf

  search for "whitelist_from" and "whitelist_to"

> 3) How can I pass all the email through spamassassin? Do I have to
> write in /etc/procmailrc ? Now I am using in
> /home/username/.procmailrc. But I think it is an inefficient way to
> have ".procmailrc" for all users in their home directory. Is there
> any way where I can write all common feature for all users in a
> file and specific rules in the user's home directories.

Regards,  Mike Klinke

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