Error message with Fedora's Launch up2date

Don Cooley kerryanddavidus at
Tue Jun 22 14:59:57 UTC 2004

Hi everyone. I am getting very discouraged. I don't
know that much about computers and it seems like
something is always going wrong...but like I said I
don't know that much.

Here's my latest problem. When I try to use Fedora Red
Hat's Launch up2date, it won't let me. In fact, it now
states that there are no updates available.

Here is the error message--

An HTTP error occurred

Status Code:404
Error Message: Not Found

Can anyone help? And I need a simple explanation please.

D F Cooleya'bbey-lubber. A slothful loiterer in a religious house,under pretence of retirement and austerity.     This is no Father Dominic, no huge overgrown abbey-     lubber; this is but a diminutive sucking friar.     Dryden, Spanish Friar.

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