Unix Scripting Question

Chris Purcell redhat at cjp.us
Tue May 4 15:58:27 UTC 2004

> Thanks Robert, but that says 2349 substitutions (# of lines in my file)
> - but I can <ESC> $ and end up 25 or so right spaces to the right of the
> closing quote -
> Breaking this down - it looks like % = entire file, s/ is search/replace
> \ $ means space before end of line //g means replace it with nothing and
> do it for every occurance of that line - seems logical to me - but
> doesn't seem to work.

I thought we were talking about trailing whitespace at the end of the
actual filenames, such as this...

touch "/root/some file with trailing whitespace     "

Is that your problem, or do you have trailing whitespace in your a.lst
file, such as...

"/etc/samba/smb.conf    "


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