Configuring Sendmail and VSFTPD

Pete Nesbitt pete at
Fri May 7 02:26:31 UTC 2004

Another one of my posts that never showed up....
this is the second one tonight that needs reposting:(

On May 6, 2004 06:20 pm, Pete Nesbitt wrote:
> Hi,
> The idea of creating an html dir in the users home is good, but the 'new'
> prefered method for apache, instead of configuring apache to use home dirs
> (there is a config stanza for doing that), you create a web space, in this
> case /var/www/html/PS, then make it owned by the user & group, sguid the
> dir and make it world readable "chmod 2775 PS".
> Next make a sym link 'ln -s /var/www/html/PS ~joe/www' (or change www to
> whatever you like such as PS)
> The idea is that first, the user does not need world readable dir's in his
> home, and also, the url does not have the ~username in it so it is easier
> and does not give away user id's which helps with security.
> --
> Pete Nesbitt, rhce

woops, I got carried away a bit :0
The part with the permissions and sgid is useful for several users working in 
a shared dir. That way no matter which member creates the file, all group 
members can work on it (may want a cvs as well). It is not necessary for this 
setup as only one user is involved.
Pete Nesbitt, rhce

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