bogon filtering question

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Sat Oct 30 01:17:10 UTC 2004

Vidiot wrote:
> I'm currently running RH 7.1 (moving to Fedora Core 3 soon).  I received
> the following e-mail:

> Please can you investigate this problem & remove/update this static =
> bogon list from your router/web server, as you filtering a 'live' block =
> of IP!
> ***** end quote *****
> What is this guy talking about?  I know that I've not done anything on
> purpose to block any IPs.  Is there a file somewhere that I can look at?
> Thanks for any pointers.

Are you running a firewall?  If so, how are you configuring the the 
firewall?  If you were using "shorewall" you'd look in 
/usr/share/shorewall and check the "bogons" file.  In earlier versions 
of shorewall the file may be located in /etc/shorewall.

So, it depends on the firewall configuration software you are using as 
to what/where the file is that needs checking.

has some nice documentation on bogons....


"I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never
actually known what the question is."

--The computer "Deep Thought" in "Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy"

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