ftp questions....

Volker Kindermann ml at ps102.de
Sat Oct 30 14:31:43 UTC 2004

> the issue i'm having is that although i can ftp in/access files from
> another box, when i do a:
> # ps -aef | grep ftp
> i get
> #
> which is curious.. to say the least...

please do a "netstat -nap|grep LISTEN" and look if your machine listens
at port 21. If so, you will see which application listens in the last
column of the output. I'm quite sure that it is xinetd or inetd.

In the first case, the ftp-service is either started by /etc/xinetd.conf
or a separate configfile in /etc/xinetd.d. In the later case (inetd),
it is certainly started in /etc/inetd.conf.


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