Unable to telnet to port 110

Raj Atwal atwalrs at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 5 20:45:58 UTC 2005

I have configured pop3 and postfix on my RH server, but I am unable to make a pop3 connection from any client to the server. 
On the server itself I can successfully telnet to the pop3 port 110. 
telnet localhost 110 
Connected to localhost. 
Escape character is '^]'. 
+OK POP3 localhost.localdomain v2003.83rh server ready 
telnet> quit 
Connection closed. 
However from another linux client I am unable to telnet to port 110, I recieve the following error 
telnet 110 
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host 
Yet I can telnet to other ports from my client server to the same linux postfix/pop3 server.
IPTables is turned off and I have tried using the /etc/hosts.allow file by setting the following
ipop3d: ALL
with no luck. I ran tcpdump and on the pop3 server and I can see my client linux machine attempting to make a connection on port 110  but beyond that I don't where I am being denied access.
Any suggestions?

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