Missing files need restoring from RPMs - help

Vidiot brown at mrvideo.vidiot.com
Thu Dec 8 06:18:31 UTC 2005

Due to a hard drive problem, a bunch of files are now gone.  I need to get
those files from the associated RPM.

For example, /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/bitmap, is now gone.

How do I get RPM to tell me which RPM file is associated with said file
and how do I get it to reinstall missing files?  I'd use man on rpm, but
some troff stuff is gone as well.  That will be next.  I need to get X
up and running so I can continue from there.  The "rpm --help" is a little
frustrating.  Trying to figure out which option will do the trick is
tough.  The syntax of what options need can be a little hard as well.
I just don't use rpm enough to know the ins and outs of its workings.

This is an old 7.1 system.  I'm moving to FC, but need this up for the

Thanks for any pointers in restoring files.

BTW, is there a way to get RPM to look at all of the files that were
installed on the system and reinstall the ones that are missing/bad?

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