Compiling a new RHEL-4 kernel

Simon redhat at
Wed Dec 21 02:28:42 UTC 2005

On Dec 20, 2005, at 7:03 AM, Matt Brookover wrote:
After reading my response, I realized I skipped a few details.
Depending on how your system is set up, you may need to run mkinitrd and
reboot to reconfigure scsi_mod.

Do something like:

mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-`uname -r`.img `uname -r`
shutdown -r now

Another possibility is to unload scsi_mod and reload it:

rmmod scsi_mod
modprobe scsi_mod

The reload may fail if there are disks or other devices using scsi_mod.
Depending on your user population, a reboot may be simpler.


Thanks Matt :-)

On looking through the hardware-support database I found the  
following as well:

Last Touched On: 2003-01-14 16:28:13-05
Detail 1:
Ease of Install: 3
Status: Compatible
Hardware Id: 4822
Detail Notes: <b>NOTES:</b><br>
* Tested on an Adaptec 7892A SCSI controller. Other controllers  
should work as well.<br>
* Manual configuration required:<br>
   * Add to /etc/modules.conf<br>
     post-install scsi_hostadapter modprobe st<br>
* Tape changer can be controled from software (see: man mtx) after  
issuing the command:<br>
echo "scsi add-single-device A B C D" > /proc/scsi/scsi<br>
A = Hostadapter ID (first is 0)<br>
B = SCSI Channel (First is 0)<br>
C = SCSI ID of tape drive. <br>
D = SCSI LUN of tape changer (use: 1)<br>
* Use /dev/sgX for the tape changer, X is determined by looking at  
the location of the changer device in the output of /proc/scsi/scsi.  
If the changer is the 3rd device listed, the correct device would be / 
Component Class: Tape Drive
Component Test: Must pass the rhr-core tests.
Must pass the rhr-tape test.
Component Notes: None
Modified On: 2003-06-23 17:25:52-04

... this was for another HP Ultrium tape deck, so it might be of  
use :-) I'll try this first since it seems less intrusive (and I do  
want to keep my RH support if I can :-)


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