Disabling console/terminal blanking

Ramer Ortega ramer.ortega at hotpop.com
Fri Dec 16 13:20:36 UTC 2005


RedHat (and most Linux distro and Unix flavors) automatically blanks the 
screen (both text console and X display) when there is no keyboard or 
mouse activity for some time.  I always thought it is a good feature, 
preventing "burns" on the monitor.  Until I decided to migrate our 
datacenter's monitoring PC from Windows to RedHat.

We are using a combination of Nagios and MRTG to monitor our servers and 
the network bandwidth.  The resulting HTML pages are displayed in some 
Windows-based PCs manned by datacenter operators.  So the good behavior 
of Linux to blank the console is not applicable here.

Things I have tried:

    * disable the power management in the BIOS
    * call "setterm -blank 0" during boot up (works only for VT)
    * disable apmd

Still, my consoles go blank.  Any other way to disable this feature?

Thanks in advance.

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