wget .listing file

Steve Buehler steve at ibapp.com
Mon Feb 7 17:27:36 UTC 2005

	I have searched for this and can't seem to find anything about this.  I am 
looking for a simple script that will take a wget .listing file, read the 
contents, traverse the directories and delete anything that is not listed 
in the .listing files.  Does anybody know where I might be able to find 
something like this?  The problem is that the server that I am backing up 
is an older Snap server and certain ftp commands don't work with it.  So I 
can't get a true mirror without doing a complete download into an empty 
directory.  That isn't something that can be done on a daily basis in this 
instance because there is over 80gigs to download and it would take about a 
week to do.  I have to do daily backups of the information.  When I backup 
with wget, it is set to not backup files that have not changed, but if a 
file is deleted on the Snap server, then that file will stay on the backup 
server unless I tell it to delete it manually.  So what I was hoping to do 
is to read the .listing files that wget produces on the backup server and 
if the file isn't in there, it will be deleted off of the backup server.
	For your info, this version of the Snap server does not allow for 
SSH.  The ftp server it runs is also an older one that doesn't allow for 
certain ftp commands that would get the directory listing only...not easily 
anyway.  Also, rsync can't be used on it either.  Basically, after a year 
of trying to come up with a solution to the backup problem...with help from 
this list and from the Snap server, I just thought of this new way that 
might work if I can find a script that will do it.


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