RedHat Bugzilla #121434 and " You are not authorized" error

Debbie Tropiano debbiet at
Fri Jun 3 18:21:12 UTC 2005

Hello -

Does anyone know what's happening with RedHat Bugzilla #121434?

I wanted to get an update but get the error:
	 You are not authorized to access bug #121434.
even when using my Bugzilla login.  This was easily available a
few weeks ago and Google has it cached at

And yes, I have emailed RedHat about it (via their contact page).

Any help would be appreciated,
| Debbie Tropiano                            |  debbiet at   |
| Environmental Sciences Laboratory          |     +1 512 835 3367 w       |
| Applied Research Laboratories of UT Austin |     +1 512 835 3544 fax     |
| P.O. Box 8029, Austin, TX 78713-8029       | home email: debbie at |

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