NIS/NFS question

Jurvis LaSalle lasalle at
Thu Jun 30 11:47:44 UTC 2005

On Jun 29, 2005, at 9:28 PM, Ryan Golhar wrote:

> Hi Wayne,
> We have actually done exactly what you are doing.  We've since switched
> to LDAP to encrypt passwords sent over the wire.  But the problem you
> are referring to is the same we have now.  I wouldn't have enough
> thought of it if you didn't mention it.
> I believe you can use iptables with --mac-source to control access by
> MAC address.
> Right now, we only allow our linux machines to nfs mount /home on the
> server by iptables:
> Making it
> -A ADDRESS-FILTER -s --mac-source XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -j
> Should do the trick.  Let me know what happens and what you decide to
> do...
> Ryan
	I have a very similar lab setup using NIS and NFS.  I've pondered 
these scenarios as well
and I came to the conclusion that the MAC address is not a saving 
grace.  While the network here is switched and the
dhcp server does reserve IP addresses for specific MAC addresses (until 
the spare IP pool is exhausted anyway), any student
with an account in the lab can use arp or ifconfig to figure out the 
MAC addresses.  Sure you can chmod 550 any of the
half dozen utilities that will spit out MAC addresses, but if you're 
like me and you're providing a development
environment to aspiring CS majors, you would be really disappointed 
with the kids if they couldn't download a compiled utility
or compile the source themselves to do it anyway.  No, I assume they 
can find out the MAC address, unplug the box to be
impersonated, force the NIC on their laptop to use the knicked MAC and 
get assigned the privileged ip (phew!).
In short, it's a war I can't see a way to win.  If someone has a magic 
bullet they're holding back that can lock this lab
down, I'd love to hear it...  (and supergluing the ethernet cable to 
the box is NOT a solution!)
	Instead, I make sure to hang around the labs and get to know the 
bright kids.  The ones that love to hack and tinker are my favorites
and I hire them to proctor the lab as quick as I can.  I figure if you 
can't beat 'em, make sure to get them on your side.
	And log everything!  There will be no record of a student logging in 
in box20:/var/log/wtmp when someone when someone has impersonated
that box to mess with his stuff (which will show up in nfs_server's 
logs).  Since you already know the bright kids, the list of
suspects shouldn't be that long...

hoping I made sense,

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