creating a boot disk for using parted on the root '/' partition...

Steve Buehler steve at
Thu Mar 10 02:53:39 UTC 2005

At 06:26 PM 3/9/2005, bruce wrote:
>i'm trying to figure out how to create the required floppies for using
>parted on the '/' partition.
>various sites i've seen have stated that i need partboot.img, and
>partroot-1.6.6.img. i can find partboot.img, but i can't seem to find
>i'm trying to create the required floppies using windows/rawwrite to create
>the linux floppies, so i can make the partition changes... does anyone have
>a pointer to a site that has the partroot-1.6.6.img file.
>the sites that i've seen that have the partroot-1.6.6.gz file arent able to
>be opened by winzip.. using a gnuzip app doesn't seem to work either, as it
>complains about the format... i've tried looking at various sites with no

I googled for partroot-1.6.6.gz and found the following site at the top of 
the list:
I downloaded the file and winzip 9 opened the .gz file just fine.


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