Looking for a secure ftp sw

Padiyath Sreekumaran Kumar.Padiyath at psi.ch
Mon Mar 14 10:42:07 UTC 2005

   At present we are using ProFTPD on our ftp server.
   On this server we have anonymous ftp access as well
   as access to pre defined project users(via projectname/password).
   These people also access via ftp. Our security person likes to have
   sftp instead of ftp access to these project accounts. I have NOT
   this server.
   I would like to know the following:

   Is it possible to use annonymous ftp as well as sftp
   access to the same ftp server? If possible how one has to
   configure FTP server?

   Is there a better FTP SW(more secure) than ProFTPD for server usage?

   We are using RedHat as OS on the FTP server.

   Thanks in advance,
Padiyath Sreekumar       |   Tel: +41.56.310.3643
Paul Scherrer Institut   |   email: kumar.padiyath at psi.ch
AIT                      |   Office: WHGA/U132 
WHGA/U132                |   Fax: +41.56.310.3649
CH-5232 Villigen PSI     | 
Switzerland              |

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