Looking for a secure ftp sw

Eucke euckew at sierraelectronics.com
Mon Mar 14 14:20:05 UTC 2005

Ed Wilts wrote:

>>   Is there a better FTP SW(more secure) than ProFTPD for server usage?
>Given sftp access to the server, your customers
>could easily turn your system into an instant pirate site by using /tmp
>as a transfer location.  They could retrieve all of your pam
>configuration files to see if you disable accounts after a predetermined
>number of failed logins.  They could then retrieve /etc/passwd and issue
>a complete denial of server on your system by disabling all of your
>accounts.  Its limitations like this that actually make ftp *more*
>secure than sftp in many environments even with the unencrypted traffic.

Ed, doesn't placing FTP users in a chroot jail make this impossible as 
well as allowing no FTP access by priviledged users?  Or is that not 
possible with sftp as it's basically ssh?


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