rpmbuild does not fail on missing package

Bill Medland billmedland at mercuryspeed.com
Fri May 13 01:28:01 UTC 2005

Did the behaviour of rpmbuild change again?

I remember in the past that rpmbuild (or it may have been back in 
the days of rpm -b) would file to build the rpms I was trying to 
build because there were files in the buildroot that were not in 
the specfile.  This was actually quite useful to me.

I just built a set of rpms and was surprised that one in 
particular did build when it shouldn't have since a file was 
missing from the specfile.

Does anyone know if that is a bug or a feature change?

(Currently running rpm-build 4.2.3-13)

Bill Medland
mailto:billmedland at mercuryspeed.com

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