GCC compiling errors

Gerrit Albrecht albrecht at igam-mbh.de
Thu May 19 07:54:30 UTC 2005

van Niekerk, Ronelle, VF-NZ schrieb:

>gcc myMail.C -o myMail -g -D_REENTRANT -Wno-deprecated -DGCC
>-I$HOME/appserv/include -L$HOME/appserv/lib -lwyy -lstdc++ -lpthread
Mr. Schwendt already told the reason, why the error occurs. At least two 
classes are missing while linking the application. Look into the source 
files, if there are Util and SendMail classes somewhere. Maybe there are 
even files with such a name? Add these files to the command line near 
myMail.C so g++ can find it while linking. It's also possible that the 
classes are located in a library. Try looking at $HOME/appserv/*.


Gerrit Albrecht

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