Text Colours come back since changing to ksh from tcsh.

Andrew.Bridgeman at corusgroup.com Andrew.Bridgeman at corusgroup.com
Thu Nov 17 14:35:11 UTC 2005

             A while back i had a problem with every time i did a ls -l the
text was all sorts of multi colours that meant i could not even read the
text , to fix it i did the following below. I have recently changed my
login from tcsh to ksh and i seem to have the same problem back. Has
anybody any ideas how to get rid of this problem so the text is just seen
as white again.

/etc/vimrc - show syntax off.

" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colours
" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
syntax off
set hlsearch

Any help is much appreciated.


Andrew Bridgeman
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