proftpd confguration

Padiyath Sreekumaran Kumar.Padiyath at
Fri Oct 7 08:34:03 UTC 2005


I have installed proftp SW on a Red hat linux machine.

I would like to know how one has to configure a directory from 3

for the following situation. Sorry if I ask the question here.


I have 3 directories A ,B, C. Few people uses these directories.

They login with the same username/password(This is a Project

account.Only ftp access).In directory B only  users from

PC1, PC2, PC3 have all the privileges. Users from other PCs

are only having READ, LIST,DIRS access.This is my present configuration.

With this I can write from any PC's in directory B which I donot want.



<Directory /*>

                <Limit ALL>

                    order allow, deny

                    Allow from all




       <Directory /B>

               <Limit READ DIRS>

                   order allow,deny

                   Allow from all



                <Limit WRITE>

                    order allow,deny

                    Allow from PC1,PC2,PC3

                    Deny from all






  Thanks in advance,



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