RHEL 4 WS Security--suggestions

Mark Taber marktaber at mac.com
Thu Sep 22 17:05:38 UTC 2005

The organization I work for is a relative newcomer to Linux, and so am
I.  I have a nice Linux workstation at home, running RHEL 4 WS, and I
have the firewall and SELinux enabled.  However, in order to be able to
access the corporate network remotely, I have to have installed
"reasonable precautions" on my home machine (and I will sign a form
attesting to this fact).

My question is, what do you experienced Linux mavens do about security?
I note the F-Prot, Sophos, and Computer Associates all have Linux tools
available.  Then there's the FOSS ClamAV.  And then there's Firestarter
firewall.  Oh, and I can't forget rkhunter and chkrootkit.  

I don't mind paying; I'm just loathe to "junk up" my machine with things
that aren't necessary.  All suggestions, opinions are appreciated
(especially in light of the latest Linux-only Firefox exploit).

Mark Taber

State of California
Department of Finance
915 L Street,
Sacramento, CA  95814

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