script to turn off services

inode0 inode0 at
Wed Aug 16 16:55:29 UTC 2006

On 8/16/06, Bill Tangren <bjt at> wrote:
> I am trying to write a script that will turn off unneeded services, but I am not
> having any luck. I have tried the following:
> service bluetooth status > /dev/null 2>&1
> if [ $EXITVALUE == 0 ]; then
>     service bluetooth stop
>     chkconfig --level 345 bluetooth off
> fi
> This works if bluetooth is not installed, but not if it IS installed and already
> turned off. In that case, the service command returns zero and the if block is
> executed.
> Does anyone know how to modify this script so that it will run (or tell me where
> I can learn how to modify it)?

Why do you care what state it is in if you know you want it off?
Doesn't something simple (albeit parts may be unnecessary but
shouldn't cause any harm) like

for u in "list of unneeded services"; do
  service $u stop
  chkconfig $u off

work ok?


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