KDE- Characterset question

Padiyath Sreekumaran kumar.padiyath at psi.ch
Wed Dec 13 07:56:23 UTC 2006

  Iam running RedHat SL3.0. In KDE window if I select
  Iso-8859-1 instead of default through
  Settings  --->  Encoding ---> iso-8859-1 procedure,
  Where is this information stored in my directory(file name)?
  I will appreciate very much if any one can help?

  With regards,

Padiyath Sreekumar       |   Tel: +41.56.310.3643
Paul Scherrer Institut   |   email: kumar.padiyath at psi.ch
AIT                      |   Office: WHGA/U132 
WHGA/U132                |   Fax: +41.56.310.3649
CH-5232 Villigen PSI     | 
Switzerland              |

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