virtual sites in vs-ftpd

Mike Klinke mklinke at
Thu Feb 16 14:23:18 UTC 2006

On Thursday 16 February 2006 11:34, Muhammad Rizwan wrote:
> Hello!
> Any body know how to create virtual sites in vs-ftpd.

I've not done it but from the FAQ at:

is this entry which might get you started......

Q) Help! Does vsftpd do virtual hosting setups?
A1) Yes. If you integrate vsftpd with xinetd, you can use xinetd to 
bind to several different IP addresses. For each IP address, get 
xinetd to launch vsftpd with a different config file. This way, you 
can get different behaviour per virtual address.
A2) Alternatively, run as many copies as vsftpd as necessary, in 
standalone mode. Use "listen_address=x.x.x.x" to set the virtual 

Regards, Mike Klinke

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