ramdisk and tmpfs

Marc Wiatrowski wia at iglass.net
Thu May 11 14:34:06 UTC 2006

Two questions:

1. Anyone know if its possible to remote/nfs mount an exported tmpfs file 
system? Say created with 'mount -t tmpfs -o size=3g tmpfs /ramfs'  

I get a permission denied on the client, but nothing different than a 
successful mount on the server side.

2. Anyone know if its possible to mount a ramdisk larger than 512M?  Say
by adding 'ramdisk_size=3000000' to your kernel parameters and running
'mke2fs -vm0 /dev/ram0 3000000' then 'mount /dev/ram0 /ramfs'  

I can get ~512 and under to work fine, but nothing much bigger.  And the 
error is on the mount command.  The machine boots fine with the 
ramdisk_size and the mke2fs seems to go fine.

If I could just get one of these to work...


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