install IMAP module on Apache

meta metabox metabox at
Sun Sep 17 01:25:52 UTC 2006

Hye, I work actually under red hat, with apache 1.3.28 & PHP 4.3.2...but I
have to use the IMAP lib... httpd -l list me the imap module, but not

I got these 2 files ::



So I launched the command :

"apxs -i -c mod_imap.c"

To get my file, and added these 2 lines to httpd;conf :

LoadModule imap_module "/lib/modules/" AddModule "mod_imap.c"

But after xwhen I do a apachectl" to check the httpd.conf, I got this error
message :


[ERROR] : cannot remove module mod_imap.c not found in module list.

Anyone know what's wrong ? or how could I do to install IMAP lib on Apache
correctly ? Thanks for help.

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