Root shell with logging

Michael Velez mikev777 at
Wed Apr 25 07:31:13 UTC 2007


> Hi all,
> due to security contraints I am looking for a shell that logs 
> all commands that are invoked by the user, in particular if 
> the user has become root. I found two (non-RedHat) 
> approaches: sudosh and rootsh. Sudosh seems to be a pretty 
> good tool, unfortunately it logs also passwords in clear-text 
> format. Rootsh not only logs keystrokes but also all the 
> output to syslogd and fills up our log files . So, both tools 
> are not suitable for us. At the moment we just copy the 
> .bash_history file if a user logs out. But this is not 
> absolutely reliable.
> Are there any other approaches? Could someone please point me 
> to a usable solution for this issue?
> Thanks,
> Oliver Fenker

I've never used rootsh myself but doesn't it have an option, --no-syslog,
which prevents logging to the syslog file?  You could recompile rootsh
forcing the --no-syslog option.  You can find the source code in


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