iptables problem

Gaddis, Jeremy L. jeremy at linuxwiz.net
Thu Jan 18 09:46:21 UTC 2007

On 1/18/07, tamer amr <tamer_linux at yahoo.com> wrote:
> thank for replay
>  but  i still cant understand the difference
> 1    ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere        anywhere    state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
> 2    ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere        anywhere    state NEW tcp dpt:ssh
>  here i can ssh the host

Of course you can.  Your second rule is telling iptables to allow
"NEW" ssh connections.  The first rule will not match on *NEW*
connections and is not involved in the "setting up" of new

>  then i removed the seconed rule to be
> 1    ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere        anywhere    state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
> here i cound not ssh this host

Right, because you removed the rule that was permitting the
connections in the first place.  Flush your ruleset, run "iptables
-vnL", and look at the counters.  Connect in via SSH, then run
"iptables -vnL" again and look at the counters.  You'll see that the
second rule is what's matching your *NEW* connection to 22/TCP.

Jeremy L. Gaddis, MCP, GCWN

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