RHEL3 missing library

mark m.roth2006 at rcn.com
Fri Mar 2 13:26:46 UTC 2007


Michael Scully wrote:
> 	Been through several hours of troubleshooting with a very skilled
> RedHat engineer, and he's baffled.  The packages seem to yak on PHP issues,
> which in turn seem to be lib related.  I'll keep you posted on how things
> resolve.  Thanks for the feedback.

PHP? Arrghghgh.... That's what we're using at work, and for myself and 
the other sysadmin, it's a royal pain: we have to compile it, since *NO* 
rpm builds it with java enabled, and there's a corporate piece that's 
java that has to be called. I also *LOATHE* that it scatters its files 
in completely non-standard places, such as php.ini *not* being in /etc, 
but in /usr/local/lib, of all places (that is, when I've built it in 

The other thing with rpm's is that some seem to be badly coded, so that 
if you have a *newer* library, it bitches and moans.


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