Gcc patch

Troy Knabe knabe at 4j.lane.edu
Wed Mar 7 16:30:28 UTC 2007

Ok, I know that we have just about beat this topic to death, but I have read the links and I can't find the answer to this.  I have patched tzdata on all my servers and rebooted.  Now this gcc patch comes out, and I don't have another scheduled downtime before Sunday.
So my question is, after I run "up2date gcc" do I *HAVE* to reboot?  Is there a service that I have to restart? Or does gcc read its config at run time?
Complete information about this errata can be found at the following location:     https://rhn.redhat.com/network/errata/errata_details.pxt?eid=5378
Bug Fix Advisory - RHBA-2007:0080-7------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary:gcc bug fix update
Updated GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) packages that use system timezone data in libgcj instead of providing libgcj's own
Description:The gcc packages include C, C++, Java, Fortran 77, Objective C, and Ada95 GNU compilers and related support libraries.
These packages provide updated timezone information for libgcj.
libgcj previously used its hardcoded simple timezone information. This information was not kept up to date with the system timezone data updates and did not handle historical daylight saving information.Instead, it used the latest applicable daylight saving time changing rule for each timezone as of the time the gcc release branch had been created.
These updated packages read the timezone information data from system tzdata package files and are able to handle daylight saving time transitions even for past years.
For full details regarding all fixed bugs, refer to the package changelog as well as the specified list of bug reports from bugzilla.
All users of gcc should upgrade to these updated packages, which resolve these issues.

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