Windows event log event not being emailed

Joe Astrologo jastrolo at
Tue Nov 13 15:58:29 UTC 2007

event is seen in Nagios event log , but notification is not sent.

using windows eventlog agent software eventlog_agent.bat.

nagios server command is below:

define command{
       command_name           check_win_eventlog
       command_line           $USER1$/./ -H
$HOSTADDRESS$ -l 'Application:System' -s 1234 -m '.*:+Error'

nagios server service definition is below:

define service {
    name    NM-Windows-EventLog
    service_description   Event Log
    check_command    check_win_eventlog
    check_period    24x7
    notification_period    24x7
    is_volatile    0
    max_check_attempts    3
    normal_check_interval    10
    retry_check_interval    1
    notification_interval    10
    notification_options    w,u,c,r
    active_checks_enabled    1
    passive_checks_enabled    1
    parallelize_check    1
    obsess_over_service    0
    check_freshness    1
    notifications_enabled    1
    event_handler_enabled    1
    flap_detection_enabled    1
    process_perf_data    1
    retain_status_information    1
    retain_nonstatus_information    0
    register    0

Nagios server Service example definintion is below

define service {
    use             NM-Windows-EventLog
    host_name       ohisex03.ohis.local
    contact_groups  nt-admins,oncall-admin

contents of event_log.bat on windows client is  below:

@echo off
if "%1" == "stop" goto stop
echo Einrichten des Service "eventlog_agent"
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo (Anhalten und Deinstallieren mit dem Aufruf "eventlog_agent.bat stop")
echo Installieren des Service...
c:\Nagios\instsrv.exe eventlog_agent c:\Nagios\srvany.exe
echo Installieren der Registry-Werte...
regedit eventlog_agent.reg
echo Starten des Service...
net start eventlog_agent
goto ende
echo Anhalten und Deinstallieren des Service "eventlog_agent"
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Stoppen des Service...
net stop eventlog_agent
echo Deinstallieren des Service und der Registry-Werte...
c:\Nagios\instsrv.exe eventlog_agent remove
echo *** Fertig ***

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