Forking the discussion - attempting to update a laptop running redhat... RE: Any Certified Laptops In The Future?

Virden, Larry W. lvirden at
Mon Nov 26 13:53:27 UTC 2007


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-----Original Message-----
From: mark

> *snort*

Sorry to make you snort this morning - hope you didn't have a mouthful
of coffee at the time...

> What do you want/need on the system? Are you compiling, and/or running
a d/b, and/or running apache, or do you have some proprietary bloatware
that eats resources?

Well, ultimately, what I want to do with this machine (once I see if I
can add some memory and perhaps get a bit larger disk drive) is to a)
use it with a wifi card to surf the internet, b) compile some C
applications, c) do some development in Tcl.

> Remember, you can still d/l a linux that runs on a 486, and maybe even
a 386.

Hmm - I don't think I ever knew that, so I can't remember it. Perhaps
there is some place a level 1 novice can go to learn the basics like

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