"Permission denied" Problem

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Fri Oct 5 22:51:36 UTC 2007

On 05Oct2007 09:55, Alfred Hovdestad <alfred.hovdestad at usask.ca> wrote:
> No, the problem should lie in the permissions on /root/.ssh.  The 
> /root/.ssh directory has to be drwx------ has to inaccessible to all but 
> the owner for ssh to work properly.

Not quite. The directory must not be _writable_ by anyone other than the
owner. rwx-r-xr-x is a perfectly ok directory permission.
Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> DoD#743

>>>How do you blip the throttle and wave? Do you blip it real high, then wave
>>>before the revs drop back?
>>Blip = right hand; Wave = left hand.  Do both simultaneously.  QED.
>Doesnt this make the bike lurch forward thru the intersection?
Not if the disk lock is in place...
        - Dean Woodward <deanw at agora.rdrop.com>

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