Central logging and audit.log

Scott R. Ehrlich scott at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 23 16:33:21 UTC 2008

I am looking at using all in-house tools (syslog.conf, 
/etc/sysconfig/syslog, and gnome-log-viewer or have the log file go to a 
web-accessed file), with everything being logged to 
/var/log/master_log_file or /var/www/master_log_file.

What the master_log_file doesn't capture are the entries in audit.log. 
If I use the viewer to review audit.log, I get the raw date/time stamp 
format, which is not human readable.

So, how can I get audit.log (from all clients) details to pipe (really 
also get copied) to the master_log_file, and, along the way, be properly 
interpreted by ausearch -i so I can actually tell the proper date/time of 
the entries?



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