Website .....

Steve Phillips steve at
Wed Apr 9 15:19:15 UTC 2008

sathish wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can u help me I have launched a intranet website through IIS in Windows now
> I am trying to launch a website in linux platform how can I do that ..
> Note : please help me with document to configure it.

It seems that you should read

before posting here again, Your questions of late have been markedly 
lacking in content that allow anyone to answer them fully.

For example, most installs of redhat come with apache, and if you tell 
redhat it is to be a web server at install time then it will include 
pretty much everything you need. Was there something more specific you 
wanted to run on your intranet ? you dont say, so, as a result, the 
answer to your question is 'its already running a website, no 
configuration required' - of course, while true, this probably doesn't 
help you much.

As for the RT linux question, you provide enough information so we can 
sympathise with you that yes, it is broken, but don't give us anything 
else. Its almost as bad as saying 'its broken, how do i fix it' without 
telling us what you are refering to with the word 'it' and how it broke.

Please read teh above link and then try again.

Thanks for playing,


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