
Jose R R jose.r.r at metztli.com
Thu Dec 25 01:50:07 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 4:45 PM, mark <m.roth2006 at rcn.com> wrote:
> katsumi liquer wrote:
> As I said, I'd be willing to look at xen, but really don't have any real need
> to, since 99.9% of all the sysadmin ads I've seen for 3.5 months, if they
> mention virtualization, they say VMware. I think I've seen one? two? ads, in
> all that time, that mentioned xen.
>        mark
It would be interesting to know if those who write the job
descriptions consult with those who actually do manage the IT
infrastructure  The generic term Xen is not as *sticky* as the
constant marketing bombardment of a proprietary brand of technology.
Hence, for those in non IT departments any mere mention of
virtualization is associated with *a* VmWare just as yesteryear they
associated an "windows" with an computer system.

Jose R R

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