Dell RD1000 Catridges / Backup Tapes

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at
Tue Jan 8 11:36:51 UTC 2008

Hi John,
It is probably a good idea to do the mount manually for a backup. You
should rely on a little as possible when doing backups. If you expect
everything to go wrong then you more likely to know if something did not

If you want to fix the "workaround" I suspect automount is the culprit
and it might be a good idea to read up on it.


> Say I insert the Monday Cartridge - it automatically mounts as /rd1000
> then if i eject the Cartridge and put the Wednesday cartridge in, it
> visible as /dev/sdb but does not use the assigned mount point of
> I have just been tinkering around with commands on the server and the
> following seemed to work
> #insert cartridge
> mount /dev/sdb1 /rd1000
> #check cartridge
> cd /rd1000
> ls {which lists the file system ok!}
> I can then write information to the tape
> to eject the cartridge i have to
> #unmount cartridge
> umount -f /rd1000
> #eject catridge
> eject /dev/sdb

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