wine and security [slightly long]?

Pat Riehecky prieheck at
Mon Jul 7 15:56:51 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 06:16 -0400, Scott R. Ehrlich wrote:
> What are people's experiences and insights to running, say, firefox 3 under 
> Wine and viewing sensitive information (medical records, credit report, etc) vs 
> viewing the same information in the native host OS?
> SSL is _always_ monitored at all times.
> I ask because some web sites refuse to accept a connection from a non-Windows 
> source, and wine has the ability to fool.
> Are warnings/errors/issues such as these anything to be concerned about for 
> viewing such information mentioed above?

In the past I have used

To fool sources that require IE.  YMMV but it was great for me for a


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