SSH Keys for password less ssh sessions

Ben Kevan ben.kevan at
Wed Jul 23 03:53:56 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 22 July 2008 08:10:02 pm Sanjay Chakraborty wrote:
> I do not know why you are writing a script for this. In redhat for ssh
> key fingureprint do:
> type ssh-keygen -t rsa or dsa
> it will create two .files id_rsa and (if you type dsa it
> will be id_dsa) in .ssh directory. copy key to other box in
> .ssh directory and name that  authorized_keys.
> Remember  .ssh should be 700 as permission. Now do ssh from that user
> you should be able to login without local password.

If you read the script, it does what you just said. Why would I do it? It's 
quit a bit easier to run ssh-copy-id user@$i then it is to do the whole copy 
command, then append it to the current authorized_keys file. 

With that said, the method you talk about (using DSA does not work). On 
another server with identical /etc/ssh/sshd_config it works .. what's the 

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