NIC Teaming

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at
Mon Mar 31 14:10:07 UTC 2008

> i normally do this in modprobe.conf as something hinky happens on
> dells with more than 2 ethernet ports and udev
> :-)

What lines do you add to modprobe to achieve this? Out of interest...

> >
> > Can you point me to the documentation that supports removing hwaddr
> > lines... It is also likely that the manipulation of configuration
> > differs from distro to distro...
> >
> _0
> also from bonding.txt
> All interfaces that are part of the trunk, should have SLAVE and
> definitions. For example, in the case of RedHat, if you wish to make
> and
> eth1 (or other interfaces) a part of the bonding interface bond0,
> config
> files (ifcfg-eth0, ifcfg-eth1, etc.) should look like this:
> DEVICE=eth0
> ONBOOT=yes
> MASTER=bond0
> SLAVE=yes
> from bond_main.c

Hmmm, that does not specifically say remove the hwaddr line... 

> The only reason i think this is that i have had problems with bonding
> with RH5.1 where i had the HWADDR values specified.  bond0 wouldn't
> come up until i removed - indeed the box wouldn't boot - until i
> removed those lines from ifcfg-eth0 and 1
> I could be wrong, i often am

Indeed, but so could I. 

I asked a question about consistent naming for ethernet device on rhel5
mailinglist and one recommendation was to keep the hardware address in
the icfg-ethx files.

Have a look at the thread in the arcives called 
"Persistent naming for eth devices"


> best wishes
> mike
> > The bonding driver documentation states that you can specify options
> > the bond interface in the ifcfg-bondX file but that has not been the
> > case for me. I still have to specify options in the
> > file.
> >
> > Regards
> >

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