Error with Acronis installation : precompiled snapapi modulenot found

sunhux G sunhux at
Fri Apr 17 15:37:46 UTC 2009

So I have the source kernel and link and I have to do the following :

But what's the values for <Module_name>, <module_version>
and <Kernel_arch> that I should use (in the instructions below) :

Building  and  installing  kernel module  in general case
>If the setup cannot  compile the necessary kernel module you
>will  have to do it manually. Please install kernel  sources,
>apropriate config  file  and all  required  for kernel build
>packages (like  gcc, glibc-devel, etc). You will be prompted
>about necessary packages while kernel sources install.
>Most  often  the snapapi  kernel module  should be built and
>installed by "dkms" command. It may be done by the following
># dkms build -m <MODULE_NAME> -v <MODULE_VERSION> \
> --config <CONFIG_FILE> --arch <KERNEL_ARCH> \
> --kernelsourcedir <PATH_TO_KERNEL_SOURCES>
># dkms install -m <MODULE_NAME> -v <MODULE_VERSION> \
> --config <CONFIG_FILE> --arch <KERNEL_ARCH> \
> --kernelsourcedir <PATH_TO_KERNEL_SOURCES>
><MODULE_NAME> must be "snapapi" for 2.4.x kernels or
>"snapapi26" for 2.6.x kernels.

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