
Matias Nicolas matiasnicolas at
Mon Aug 3 10:28:26 UTC 2009

hi people... I got this output... and i want to know if one of you know what is the number in brackets refering to. does anyone know what is that?.


[root at vmrhel4-cl01 ~]# lvs -a -o +devices
  LV       VG       Attr   LSize   Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert Devices
  lv01     pruebavg -wi-a- 100.00M                                       /dev/sdb3(612)
  lv02     pruebavg -wi-a- 400.00M                                       /dev/sdb3(100)
  lv03     pruebavg -wi-a-   2.00G                                       /dev/sdb3(0)
  lv03     pruebavg -wi-a-   2.00G                                       /dev/sdb3(200)
  homevol  systemvg -wi-ao   1.00G                                       /dev/sda2(256)
  optvol   systemvg -wi-ao   1.00G                                       /dev/sda2(512)
  slashvol systemvg -wi-ao   1.49G                                       /dev/sda2(0)
  slashvol systemvg -wi-ao   1.49G                                       /dev/sda2(2532)
  slashvol systemvg -wi-ao   1.49G                                       /dev/sdb2(0)
  swapvol  systemvg -wi-ao   1.00G                                       /dev/sda2(2276)
  tmpvol   systemvg -wi-ao 600.00M                                       /dev/sda2(768)
  usrvol   systemvg -wi-ao   3.00G                                       /dev/sda2(918)
  varvol   systemvg -wi-ao   2.30G                                       /dev/sda2(1686)


thanks in advance! =)



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