IP Bonding and ifconfig

William Reich reich at ulticom.com
Wed Aug 19 15:33:34 UTC 2009

We have configured IP Bonding to use eth3 and eth4.
The bonded network name is ...   "bond0".

Testing out the configuration, we use ifconfig
to bring the networks up and down.

When we bring down eth3 or eth4 with the ifconfig tool,
and then bring them back up,
we get the expected result.

When we use the ifconfig tool to bring
down the "bond0", we see the network(s) go down.
But, when we try to bring "bond0" back up using the
ifconfig tool, the network does not come up. No traffic flows.

Is this an OS bug or operator error of some type ?
( We are using RH4 Update 4 , 2.6.9-42 kernel . )


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