Xen virtual machines and ntp

mark m.roth2006 at rcn.com
Wed May 13 17:57:06 UTC 2009

ESGLinux wrote:
> that was my first idea, (and woks well with other servers).
> but dovecot kills itself when the time goes backwards
> as you see in
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/TimeMovedBackwards
> 1 You're running ntpdate periodically. This isn't a good idea.

Nope. You make sure ntp's not running, do that *once*, then fire up service ntp.

Several things: try putting into your /etc/ntp.conf, AS THE VERY FIRST LINE,
tinker panic 0

This will keep ntp from having heart failure if the jump's too large.

And I know you're on Xen, but you might see if they have something similar to
VMWare's Timekeeping best practices for Linux


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