RHN Register on Xen Guests

Edson Marquezani Filho edsonmarquezani at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 14:09:37 UTC 2009

I'm trying to register RHEL virtualized guests on RHN with
rhn_register, to use yum, and I have followed these steps described
But rhn_register fails and ends showing a message saying that there
was an Internal Server Error.
Logfile (/var/log/up2date) points a protocol error/ internal server
error, and no further information.

The guest appears on RHN control panel, in the site. My host system is

Would be that a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

Could somebody help me, please?

Thank you.

[1] http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/09/11/tips-and-tricks-registering-xen-guests-with-rhn/

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