On-the-fly throttle of CPU consumption of a process

Dave Ihnat dihnat at dminet.com
Tue Apr 6 13:51:55 UTC 2010

On Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 02:33:08PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 06Apr2010 11:30, sunhux G <sunhux at gmail.com> wrote:
> | Q1:
> | When a running process hogs a CPU, I would like to be able to reduce
> | its % CPU consumption, say to 50%.  Is there a command to do this or
> | this is possible in Redhat (& CentOS & HP-UX if anyone knows) ?
> I'm not sure about constraining its CPU use "evenly", but you can
> SIGSTOP/SIGCONT it from outside - ceasing execution and then resuming
> later. I wrote a script called stutter for this purpose:

Hmm...I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to this earlier, but I don't
see any mention of trying "renice".  (Man 'renice').

	Dave Ihnat
	dihnat at dminet.com

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