/tmp perms and crontab -e as a user on Santiago

Jonathan S Billings jsbillin at umich.edu
Tue Dec 21 17:52:07 UTC 2010

On 12/21/2010 12:35 PM, upen wrote:
> I am wondering why /tmp perms got setup like this, See below,
> ls -ald /tmp
> drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Dec 21 11:03 /tmp

You need to fix the permissions of /tmp.  They should have the mode 1777 
(drwxrwxrwt).  Because you create a new mountpoint for /tmp, you need to 
make sure the permissions on that mountpoint are correct.

You probably also need to fix the SELinux attributes, running a 
'restorecon -rv /tmp' should do it.

Jonathan Billings <jsbillin at umich.edu>
College of Engineering - CAEN - Unix and Linux Support

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